Crystal Card

Space Group Information Predicted Material Properties Anisotropic Graphs


Unit Cell Details:

Crystal Name
Chemical Formula
Hermann-Mauguin Space Group
Lattice Constants a α
b β
c γ
Cell Volume 0 Å3

Predicted Material Properties:

Piezoelectric Strain Constants [pC/N]:

Elastic Constants [GPa]:

Eigenvalues of the Elastic (Stiffness) Matrix
λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4 λ5 λ6

Predictions and Analysis:

2D Plots of the Elastic Tensor (C):

Polar plots showing the directional dependence of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, derived from the elastic tensor (C) in a material. The plots are based on first-principles calculations, illustrating the elastic and anisotropic properties of the material.

2D Plots of the Elastic Tensor (C): Directional Dependence of Young's Modulus (GPa) and Poisson's Ratio. First-principles calculations are performed to systematically investigate the electronic structures, elastic properties, and their anisotropic nature.

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3D Plot of the Piezoelectric Tensor (d):

Piezoelectric Surface Magnitude Graph.

3D plot of the piezoelectric tensor (d). The polarization is illustrated as surface magnitude.

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