The predicted value of the longitudinal strain d33 coefficient is 0.03 pC/N. Note: The longitudinal component d33 can be experimently measured using a piezometer with a quasi-static force applied to the (001) plane along the crystallographic c-axis of single crystals (Guerin et al., 2017).
2D Plots of the Elastic Tensor (C):
Figure: 2D Plots of the Elastic Tensor (C): Directional Dependence of Young's Modulus (GPa) and Poisson's Ratio. First-principles calculations are performed to systematically investigate the electronic structures, elastic properties, and their anisotropic nature.HD View
3D Plot of the Piezoelectric Tensor (d):
Figure: 3D plot of the piezoelectric tensor (d). The polarization is illustrated as surface magnitude.HD View